Giant 319kg ‘sabre-tooth’ lion-tiger crossbreed dubbed ‘world’s biggest cat’ bred in US
A GIANT beast dubbed the world’s biggest cat is drawing comparisons with the terrifying prehistoric sabre-toothed tiger. Incredible clips of the monster-sized liger – the hybrid offspring of a lion…
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Freakish 3ft long sea ‘dinosaur’ with hard-plate armour found washed up on beach
A buck-toothed 3ft sea beast that looks not too far off a legless crocodile has been found beached in Virginia, US, by a man who has developed a habit of…
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The Mysterious Irish Sky Garden: Exploring Myths, Stories, and Adventures
The deep and mysterious hollow is called the “Sky Garden”. In fact, this is a uniquely shaped garden that fascinates many tourists who visit. The name of this “Sky Garden”…
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HIDDEN GEM: This waterhole in Portugal looks like a portal to another dimension
Looking to travel as far away as possible? How about a journey to the centre of the Earth? Covão dos Conchos might just take you there. The mystical waterhole in…
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Fisherman found giant 75lb pearl worth $100 million
This giant pearl could be the biggest ever found in the world and five times larger than the previous record – after being handed in by a fisherman. The man,…
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Enormous ‘Alien-Like’ Wasp Nest, Equivalent to a ’70-Inch TV,’ Found by Homeowner in Bathroom.
A deadly wasp nest has been found inside an abandoned house with images of the massive ’empire’ hanging over a toilet going viral. The pests’ hideout was discovered in a…
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25 Photos That Show Nature Made Us Run For The Hills Shouting “NOPE”
Here are the 25 photos that show nature made us run for the hills shouting “NOPE”. If you think nature is all rainbows and butterflies, think again. Nature is naturally…
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Exploring the Rare Succulent: Greenovia Dodrentalis, the Mountain Rose
Greenovia Dodrentalis, also known as the Mountain Rose or the Green Rose, is a captivating succulent that has captured the hearts of plant enthusiasts all over the world. This unique…
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World’s Largest Bromeliad, ‘Queen of the Andes’, Blooms Only Once in a Century
Extremely rare and endangered, this ancient marvel known as the “Queen of the Andes” is the largest bromeliad in the world. Photo: Waldemar Niclevicz Among the 3,000 species of bromeliads…
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30 interesting photos show things got worn down over time.
Here are the 30 interesting photos that show things got worn down over time. In our life, there are many things that change over time in unexpected ways. In the…
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